2016年8月23日 星期二

TC Invoicing Platinum

- Suitable for shops, stores, the wholesalers, a street vendor and other goods into the shipping business.
- You can add and modify Product Image.
- Commodity can display by classification.
- Input over the type, specification , units, and businesses can quickly select.
- Master list items to display the stock quantity and selling price to help you quickly view.
- Master list can set the maximum number of display (Pageable switch display).
- Product Info - Can direct purchase, shipping, retirement or remove items.
- Product Info - Point picture to enlarge display.
- Product Info - You can modify the selling price and the memo field.
- Historical purchase, shipment, scrap list,It can choose to display a day or a month (More than 50,pageable display).
- Add List - For the same supplier to fast purchase method.
- Item statistics - Profit, purchase, shipping, scrapped the merchandise total statistics,Optional 7,15,30,90 day statistics and draw a graph,Left and right button can switch the previous or the next number days.
- Customer List - When purchasing or shipping and input the customer name, will be added to the Customer list.
- Customer Info - Editable customers the information.
- Master list can search by name or number.
- Can Export Auxiliary engine template.
- Can Import Auxiliary engine purchase or shipment list.
- Daily inventory quantity reminder settings.
- Can immediately check the goods of inventory shortage.
- Item statistics can choose curve chart or bar chart.
- You can set the number of decimal places to be displayed.
- Can immediately check the goods of expired.
- You can import iPhone and iPad of the app Files.(Backup file,Auxiliary engine purchase or shipment list).
- You can customize the color of the product page.
- You can scan the barcode to build the new commodity or Find out the commodity that have been established.(for iPhone & iPad app version)

Platinum Version:
1.Products limits (Unlimited).
2.Customer list limits (Unlimited).
3.Purchase list limits for every month (Unlimited).
4.Shipment list limits for every month (Unlimited).
5.Item statistics full version.
6.You can export and import the backup file.

OSX 10.14 Dark Mode Problem :
If you are experiencing problems with the display, please reply to the presets displayed by the App in the following ways :
Open Terminal App
Copy the following command, paste it to the terminal and press Enter to execute
defaults write com.TowmsChang.OSX.InvoicingTablePlatinum  NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes

After the input is completed, enter the following command to delete the configuration file.
killall cfprefsd

Reopen the app

MAC App Store :

